Monday, July 28, 2014

Quick Prayer Update

Hello Everyone!

VBS #2 has begun!

Terry texted me briefly this AM and asked if you could pray specifically for some of the team that are not feeling 100%.  There are two things troubling them...that sore throat/cold going around and then there are some tummy troubles.  Stomach’s not feeling right.  He mentioned some individually so I’ll add them here - Alex, Lyndi, Clara, Dave and Tuviere.  It’s harder to have the energy for a new week and a new group of kids when you’re not feeling like yourself.    No worries families, if anything gets worse Terry will always take them to the Dr.  :)  We never hesitate with stuff like that.

So if you could pray that God would infuse the team with health and energy for the task that is ahead of them I know they’d appreciate it.

The team got back too late last night from the restaurant to update the blog - but I’m sure they will when they can, hopefully later today.


  1. Prayers have been said and I know that God will Heal all of you, esp Alex, Lyndi, Clara, Dave and Tuviere. May you all feel God's healing hand and that all the others on the team stay healthy and take up the lead while some are not feeling upto normal. Continued prayers for health and safety and strength to lead the VBS children! All our Love, Bev, Dave & Jac
    Big Hugs to all,

  2. Hello Tyler and the M3 Team. I have been thinking of you and praying for you every day. The photos that Megan has posted have really helped me visualize where you are and what you have been doing in Mexico. It makes me feel connected with the team. I loved the picture of Ty and the little boy - it is very special to me. I'm praying for heath for the team, that many children's lives will be touched through the VBS, and that you will have a safe journey home. Love, Grandma Shannon

  3. Dear Clara, Caleb told us today that you are having tummy issues, and I just read it here now too. Dad and I are praying for this. Love you Honey, Momma and Pappa H


Your comments are a real encouragment to the team! Thank you for your support and prayers!