Thursday, July 24, 2014

Drime a success during fourth day of VBS

Hola, hola!

Megan here, and happy to report that we have successfully finished our day 4 of VBS!

First off, before I go on about today’s post, I have to make an apology! Brannon’s post from the first impressions in Mexico was missing — not because we lost him in the Huixquilucan mountains, but because I had a blogger brain lapse and somehow missed his post in the journal book. Here is what he had to say about his first few days here in Mexico:

It inspires me to see how happy all of the children and adult locals are despite their poor living conditions. 

Thanks, Brannon!

Now, on to today.

For VBS, we had a game where kids would put a cotton strip of fabric in their pocket and try to protect it from others grabbing it, and the kids made bracelets with five different coloured beads as the craft.

Black represents our sin;
Red represents Jesus’ blood that was shed when He died on the cross;
White represents Jesus washing our sins white as snow;
Green represents new life, and;
Gold/yellow represents our ability to have eternal life in Heaven.

While the kids were in the craft room working on their bracelets, the drime I talked about yesterday (a drama without words) was put on for the kids. Although each time I have done a VBS in Mexico, there have been special moments — this one stands out to me the most. I get chills just thinking about it. The song the students acted out to is “La historia de un hombre” (The Story of a Man), while a team of 10 students acted out the lyrics. I really can’t wait until you can all see the video — even if you don’t understand the lyrics, it was just unbelievably powerful. It brought all of the leaders to tears, and I heard from another team member that some of the moms watching were also tearing up. The fact that these kids and Lyndi put this together in just an evening was incredible, and I was definitely extremely proud of the students. It was another one of those moments that is hard to describe through just words. And … the locals watching liked it so much, they have asked us to do it again at the end of tomorrow’s day of VBS. 

Here are the lyrics.

En Espanol:

Va caminando en silencio buscando a alguien que tenga una necesidad
Sana un ciego y abraza a un leproso y a sus enemigos El los cubre de amor.
En la tormenta el duerme en un barco y calla el mar con su voz
Entra en un pueblo montado en un asno
El es Rey de toda humildad. 

La historia de un hombre que dio su corazón. 
Humilde, sirviente, amó sin condición. 
Perfecto, sin mancha, su Gracia mostró. 
Si el mismo siendo Rey, murió por amor. 

Horas oraba en el monte de Olivos 
de a poco cargaba el tormento y dolor.
Gotas de sangre caían al suelo pudiendo escapar. 
El no quiso arrancar. 
Burlas y la gente escupiendo en su cara
y El solo miraba a Dios. 
Muere clavado sufriendo castigo del mundo
al tomar su lugar


De su trono bajó, el vino a morir. 
Torturado por mi, mi vida salvó.
Tres días y al cielo subió
Ahora reina en poder. 
Con la espada habló y al diablo venció. 


Translation into English:

He came quietly in search of those in need. 
He healed the blind and embraced the lepers and He covered His enemies in love.
During a storm, he slept in a boat and calmed the seas with His voice.
He entered Jerusalem on a donkey, He is the King of humanity.

This is the story of a man who gave his heart.
he was humble, a servant, and loved unconditionally.
He was perfect, without blemish and extended grace. 
He himself, being King, died for love.

Hours, he spent, praying on the Mount of Olives, in anticipation of his torment and pain.
Drops of blood fell to the ground, being a ble to escape, he chose the cross.
The people mocked him and spat in His face. His eyes were fixed on God.
Nailed to a cross, he paid the price for us. Suffering, he took our place.


He came down from His throne to die, He was tortured for me, my life He saved.
Three days passed, He rose from the grave. Know he is reigning in power.
With his words, like a sword, the devil was defeated.


Tomorrow is another big day. Today we presented the gospel, and tomorrow the two pastors of the church, Pablo Daniel and Tachito, will be returning to now ask the kids if they would like to accept Christ. Please pray that this message will fall on willing hearts and open minds — that the kids will be receptive to this.

Mexico City (and across the country as well) is home to a high percentage of people with Catholic faith. So, although this message about Jesus, His life and Him dying on the cross that we’re presenting to the kids is not completely foreign, the fact that Jesus is alive and that we can have a personal relationship with Him is something new for the locals here to consider.

This VBS is also significant because of the newness of the church. The point behind having the VBS is to bring in people from the community and the area to the church. Even if every single child there tomorrow does not accept Christ, please pray that seeds are planted, and that awareness for the church is raised. There will also likely be parents of kids at the VBS who will be watching the drime, so please pray for them as well! As well, if there are kids who do accept Christ, please pray that the church will be able to follow up with them. 

Tomorrow is a classic example of all the work the locals do for us in hosting us. As Friday is our last day in Huixquilucan, we will be leaving to go to Monte Sion, the church right in Mexico City. While the team is at VBS, the locals will be taking all of our luggage to the church (anywhere between one to two hours depending on traffic) and then back again to collect us. Please pray for safety for the locals in their many hours of driving, and that our luggage will continue to stay together and not get left here in Huixquilucan. One of the vans is quite old and falling apart, and has a hard time starting, so please pray that no one would get stranded! 

Continued prayers for health for the colds we are battling would also be appreciated. 

I have a praise item for you as well! The lady renting out these rooms for us said she noticed a difference in how we act, so Gloria a Dios (glory to God) that God was able to work through us in our actions and standing out to this lady!

Thank you so much for reading and for your comments! During yesterday’s meeting, I read out your comments to the team. It was a lot of fun for me and an encouragement for the team as well. 

Hasta mañana! (See you tomorrow!)


  1. Oh you guys that picture is incredibly powerful. Gloria a Dios! I’ve been praying all day for good soil for the seeds of Truth to fall on good soil.

    I am so grateful that your testimony is having an impact in this community!

    1. And PS Megan...good writing. :) I feel like I am there!

    2. God Bless Everyone of You! We are so proud of each one you as you all are messengers of the gospel. May The Lord Be Praised. Prayers for safety, continued health and the children's hearts to be open to the word of God. It's exciting to read the blog and follow along! Lots of hugs to each one and esp. to Jen and Brannon!!
      We miss you lots and so does Jacquelyn! I was going to courier your water bottle to you Bailey, as you left it behind in the truck, but I gave it to your parents!!
      Prayers for smooth sailing in regards to the transportation to Monte Sion in Mexico City and God's Word spread to the VBS children there. This is a most wonderful bonding time for many memories and friendships that will last for eternity within the Moby youth group. Love Dave, Bev & Jac R.

    3. Hi team!
      I love reading these blog posts and hearing your impressions of Mexico. I so wish I was there to take it all in with you!
      I would like to give a special shout-out to my group, Brannon, Ty, Daniel, Ben, and Tuviere. It's great to hear of how you're stepping up as leaders and leaving your comfort zones. I can't wait to hear all the stories when you get back. Praying for you guys!
      And to my roomie, Dave, keep on keepin' on! I know you're doing awesome. I'm praying for you. You rock!
      Dios los bendiga,

  2. I started to read today's blog and the words that came to my mind were the power and awesomeness of God. Oh to be there and experience the drime in person. We pray for your safe travels tomorrow, your health over the colds and that the kids would come to know a personal relationship with God and tell others later on that it was because of your group

  3. Thank you Megan for the great posts and pictures. Praying that the impact of the drama today has lasting effects, that God will open the hearts of the children and parents to consider the truth, and that team members are able to take new steps in their walk of faith. Love Greg and Vivienne

  4. Thank you Megan for the pictures and blog. Praying for God to open the hearts of the children and parents to consider the truth, for the impact of the drama today to be long lasting and for team members to take new and brave steps of faith. Love Greg and Vivienne

  5. Greeetings from rainy-now sunny Tsawwassen. Originally we thought “what could a couple of aging seniors possibly have to say to encourage such vibrant, lively, Gospel-sharing young people?” But we were instantly chastised by a friend visiting us for a few days saying “you could encourage them by saying you are praying for them” – and so here we are. Your blogs are getting better and more exciting every day as we read between the lines how God is working in YOUR life and what it means for you to be a follower of Jesus. Of course we pray for you every day, especially those we know (and are related to!!) – Megan and Austin (relatives) and Alex whom we met at his baptism. How beautiful to read that your landlady can see Jesus in you. More seeds sown. We are praying specifically for the needs you requested -- health, luggage transport, safety but ESPECIALLY for the children AND parents to know Jesus as their personal Saviour and Lord. By the way Megan, we notice you are enjoying ALL the food, including even queso blanco, the crumbled CHEESE. Congratulations on adding cheese to your palate. Your blogs are a special gift to me on this my (numberless) birthday! Blessings on ALL of you.

    1. Thankyou Megan for sending us all the photos and blog stories. It is an amazing way to stay connected and Thankyou to Everyone for your willingness and encouragement to the children, parents & friends in Mexico spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. May each one of you grow deeper in your faith as you tell others about God. Enjoy your time off this weekend and another exciting week @ VBS! Thankyou Terry & Dave for your leadership and love for all the team members. God Bless, Praying always and are so excited for your time in Mexico!! Love & Hugs to all, Big Hug to Jen & Brannon. Love Bev & Dave

  6. My thought and prayers are with you Tyler and the whole team. The pictures are awesome Megan, makes us feel more connected. God bless you as you go into your second week with DVBS, may God become so real to the people in Mexico for the children and their parents. Trust you are having a relaxing week-end getting ready for Monday week two I pray for all of the team especialy for Tyler, keep up the good work, stay heallthy, Miss you Ty . Grandma Shannon


Your comments are a real encouragment to the team! Thank you for your support and prayers!