Monday, July 21, 2014

First day of VBS complete!

Hola a todos!

Your friendly local photojournalist Megan reporting from the stunningly beautiful, sunny area of Huixquilucan. 

Travel yesterday could not have gone better. Everything went without a hitch, from the flights to the short lineups in the airpot — and by the time we got to the luggage carousel at the Mexico City airport, all our bags were waiting for us.

Terry was not kidding about the house. It is, by far, the biggest house the M3 team has ever stayed in. Our main team room and eating room is literally a giant ballroom. It is incredible! There is plenty of sleeping room for the girls, as we have two bedrooms and two bathrooms, and the guys have their own bedroom and bathroom in a completely separate area altogether.

I think most of us turned our lights off around 2 this morning, and the 7 o’clock wakeup call wasn’t easy, but we were treated to an amazing sunrise over the breathtaking green hills and mountains after we woke up. After a breakfast of cereal, Pastor Jaime and his son Oscar drove us, in three separate groups, to the church, approximately 15 minutes away. 

Getting into Mexico so late and having VBS start less than 12 hours of our arrival was more difficult than previous years, but we managed to work out a few kinks early on into the day.

We started out with 12 kids and ended the day with 17. The day’s activities included teaching the kids songs — complete with actions — as well as crafts, games and a break for snacks. Throughout the morning, the kids gradually warmed up to us, and seemed pretty into the songs as well. Today’s story was about Jesus’ baptism, and we introduced them to the verse of the week, which is 1 Peter 3:15. 

After a delicious lunch of pasta, chicken, cooked broccoli and carrots, tortillas and tuna (a fruit from a cactus) back at the house, we enjoyed an hour and a half of quiet time (aka siesta — many naps were had this afternoon!). 

Mostly woken up, we had a team meeting to debrief the first day of VBS, and did various preparation for games, the drama and snack. Tomorrow’s day will focus on the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand and Him calming the storm. So, prayer for the kids who are beginning to come to the VBS would be much appreciated. From our understanding, the majority of the kids attending the VBS are not a part of the church at all, so prayers that what we are teaching them will resonate with them would be great. After VBS today, we went on a walk to deliver some flyers for advertising, so pray that people would seriously consider sending their kids! 

Additionally, please pray for health for the team, as there is a sore throat going around. Prayers for sleep as well would be appreciated — the nights can be loud with dogs barking, and there is a (not so) lovely chorus of roosters in the morning, and we’re already running on little sleep after our late arrival.

Thank you so much for reading, and please do comment on the blog, as we will be reading the comments out to the students and leaders. As we don’t have wi-fi, I am using Terry’s phone plan, so I really hope to be able to post, at the very least, blog posts throughout the week until we’re back at Monte Sion church on Friday. After that, I hope to include more photos!


  1. Hey sunshine Megan!! So good to hear from you all! My hugs to all of you - but of course especially Terry and Emily. It’s so hard not to be there with you. I’m so grateful to hear that yesterday went so well in travel, and I’m so excited to hear there are so many kids from the community. I know that will grow as the week goes forward. Talk about good ratios of team members to VBS kids though hey?

    How’s the Spanish going everyone? Do you feel like you know more or less than you thought. You know that they are just so proud of you for trying so don’t worry about getting it perfectly. And you also learn that communication doesn’t have to be in the same language.

    Yes - praying for health. A lot of it is the altitude and the humidity too that you’re not used to. I did pack LOTS of throat lozenges so I’m sure you’re visiting Kevin for that. I totally forgot about the roosters and dogs etc until you said it Megan. I’ll be honest I don’t miss that :) Have you heard the “tortillaaaaas!” call in the morning yet?

    Sounds like very luxurious accommodations too :) I hope you enjoy those places of space.

    I hope that some Jarritos has been had as well as Limon Chips. My personal favourites.

    You’ve all been in my prayers all day long. I pray that you will adjust quickly to the culture, that God would help you be courageous and extend beyond your comfort zones and that you would allow any walls to be crumbled - and really build closeness as a team. I’m incredibly proud of each of you. Love on the Becerras from me. I know that they are like family to many of you. I pray that returners or new team members that you see Jesus at work many times over in each day and that it invites you into deeper places of trust in Him.

    Much love, Christine

  2. Please send our love to Clara, from Momma and Daddy H

  3. We are so grateful that everything went well with the travel day, and that the team was able to get a bit of rest the next afternoon. We are thinking especially of those of you to whom this mission trip is a whole new, and maybe scary experience. Praying that you will soon feel "comfortable in your discomfort" (an old, but good saying). We are also praying for team unity and meaningful relationships to be formed. Mostly, we are praying that each team member will allow God to use them as His hands and feet to the people in Mexico.

    Randy & Naomi (Maman & Papa)

  4. Beautiful sunset picture. You guys will do amazing. Hope your second day will go well as well.
    We'll pray that there will be double the amount of kids today.
    How is the Spanish going? You will be amazed how much you continue to learn while you are there.
    Praying that the kids that come will be impacted for eternity. Especially because of all the love you have for them.
    Will also pray for health for all the team. This is quite an adjustment for your bodies, so some Mom advise: Try to sleep lots!!!
    Love you all, Mom to Ben - Andrea

  5. Megan - great job on your first photojournalism article for this Mexio trip. We felt like we were enjoying the sunrise (and delicious lunch) with all of you. Glad not to experience the dogs and roosters, though :0).
    We were happy to hear that the traveling went well - thank the Lord!
    We continue to pray that God will help you all settle into your roles within VBS and adjust to your new (and very different) surroundings. We pray that He will help you have servant hearts for the Mexican people, as well as each other. God will give you everything you need to carry out His purposes for you, as you lean on Him.
    Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers every day.
    Adam and Debbi

  6. Glad to hear you're off to a great start!! Enjoy the experience and the memories. Thinking and praying for you all every day (esp our's). SO glad you are doing this life changing experience with each other - a close family of friends. Love to all (esp Brannon and Jennifer). Love Dave & Barb G [ Brannon - I'm using your google account to do this :-) ]


Your comments are a real encouragment to the team! Thank you for your support and prayers!