Thursday, July 24, 2014


Terry texted me this picture this morning of the team praying before VBS started today, so I thought I would share it with you.  Today at VBS the team will tell the kids about the Resurrection of Jesus and God’s power over sin and death!  Pray for God’s truth and victory to impact the kids at VBS ....and equally our team in powerful ways. Pray that kids and families would come into a personal relationship with Christ!

It’s simple photos like this that touch my heart as I see our kids placing their faith and trust in God - placing this day at His feet.


  1. Love you gang! Praying for a significant day of ministry today!

  2. The picture Terry sent is a thousand words. We are blessed to see the unity represented in the circle of you (Team M3) praying to the Father. May I join with many of your supporters back home and offer you this prayer on our behalf.
    Holy Father, my heart cries out for those who are in poverty, those that are hungry and homeless. Lord you said in your word you regard the prayers of the destitute and do not despise their supplications. You said you would raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash heap. Lord, deliver the poor in their afflictions and open their ears in oppression. Lord I ask you in every area that Team M3 touches that you cause a conviction to come upon the people to help beyond Team M3, and come to the aid of those who are in poverty, the helpless and hopeless. Let the Spirit of the Good Samaritan spread throughout the land. Cause a favor to fall upon those hurting, and an awakening to their desperate cries. As we remember the poor this day Lord, we ask for their rights to be answered. Forgive us Oh Lord for apathy and complacency. Let a new fire rise up within your Church to lend a helping hand, and you compassionate Father stir up within Team M3 an Awakening that impacts their lives, those who they are Divinely meant to touch, and those of us whom trust you God for their mission. Help them to be the hand of Jesus reaching out to rescue and restore. Let your heart of love and compassion come forth and a responsibility and obedience to your words become a reality. You are a greater God than every spirit of poverty and lack, grater than every work of darkness. Let your name be glorified in this Oh God. I thank you that even as I (and others) pray you are answering. You are faithful and just and your love and mercy are the pillars of your Kingdom. Pour out your blessings on the poor, Lord. Let the peace and love and acceptance come into their lives. Pour out your Spirit in double measure upon Mexico. Let your miraculous power turn the hearts of the people to lift up the hurting and bring them to a place of refuge and restoration. I thank you Faithful Father and give you glory and honor for that which you are doing even now in the midst of Team M3. AMEN!
    James 2:5; Galatians 2:10; Proverbs 29:7; Job 36:15; 1 Samuel 2:8; Psalms 102:17
    Daniel, we miss you. Be blessed and know we are praying for you and Team M3.

  3. Hey all! Thinking of you all and praying for God's will to be accomplished through you! "Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." xo

  4. Lieber Daniel,
    Omi und Opa grüßen dich herzlich und wünschen dir viel Spaß beim singen und spielen mit den Kindern, fabulous !!!!
    We love you

  5. Hello Everyone!
    May the seeds that have been sown in Huixquilucan grow in receptive hearts and minds and may the Christians there receive the power of the Holy Spirit to maintain those relationships with the children and their parents. I am praying for safe travel today to Monte Sion and that all of you will feel refreshed and ready to shine God's light and love once again. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him. so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    Blessings from Daniel's Aunt Diane


Your comments are a real encouragment to the team! Thank you for your support and prayers!